Friday, September 27, 2013

The basics to invest in the Stock Market...Part 1

 First, we need to define what is the stock market. It's like a baby running , before it could crawl, same as
stocks. Must know the basic's as they say master the basics then move on to other things. First of all
what is stock's and what type of stocks there are:

Common Stock: Are issued by companies that want to raise capital for an expantion of the business, corporate buy-out , further Research & Developement

Perffered Stock: Are guranteed stock's that pay dividends so if the company dafults on all the debts and is force to sell its assets perffered stock owners would get the first chance at recovery

Split stock: Are stocks that are price  high were companies think, that investors wont be able to buy no more due to the overprice stock, so to implied a stock split stock, is for investors to have a two for one stock ownership of stock: if i had 100 shares then they will give me 200 shares more , yes the price will go down in half but when stocks go up in value so those your investment

Since we are going to talk about stocks and not bonds which is a low risk, low return we wont be discussing it in this blog.

Capital Growth: Investing for capital growth has the potential to provide and increase in value, the risk is that a stock's price can decline below value resulting in a capital loss

Divedends: Payout every qauter , from companies that generate profits and share them with investors

Ex: I bought 200 shares of Dell, at $25 that will be $5000 dollars in Capital investment, hold those shares for two years, share price stay the same but div is paid every quater @ .25 x 200x6 which equals to: $ 300

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Django Unchained

TITLE Django Unchained
 Directed/film: Quentin Tarantino
 Starting: Jamie foxx , Leonardo Dicaprio , Kerry Washington
 Time: 220 min

Domestic Gross: 200 million +

If your a fan of Quintin tarantino films you will enjoy mango unchained even though it is very graphic violent and mild sexual context the moral of the story line is true there's nothing to be asked of the past almost every character says the n word in every line no wonder spike lee refuses to watch it what is the difference between his movies and django its bout tacit folks hating the black culture or two lovers who are from different races make love ( jungle fever) slavery is hard to deal with which quientin have no problem dealing with.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Update on silver prices

Today as of 2:47pm price of silver is 24.00 Meaning if you had a fv ( face value ) of $1 Meaning any combination of quarters , dimes or half before 1964 It would be worth: $18.25 24.00*.72 which is in 90% in silver coins it would mean 18.25 cent Dividing that in coins which you half ex: 4 parts equal a dollar dimes and so on If you havany comment or advice please leave comment Or

Monday, April 8, 2013

How much is my silver coins worth?

Most people are curious bout collecting silver coins, but not sure how to get them Most people go to coin dealers or buy them on eBay..or if your lucky any coin order then 1964 is 90% silver this is how you calculated silver coins: 90% of spot price is .72 of calculated troy ounces , troy is heavier than regular once That's why It's different , for instance today spot price for silver this 8th day of April 2013 is $27.34 * .72 equals to $19.64 of face value than calculate what you got For instance 2 quarters and 5 dimes equal to $1 facevalue : 1 quarter - $4.94 1 dime 1.95 So save your coins as people are speculating its going to $200 hope you enjoy this Lilly blog please comment thanks